


About Communication 2

  • Choose a positive and confident way to communicate with others, abandon aggressive, submissive, and negative communication
  • Use the first person as much as possible when communicating
  • Avoid several communication obstacles: being contradictory, pouring cold water, answering with absolute statements
  • Skillfully use the sensory system to establish harmonious relationships with others
  • Respond rationally to verbal attacks from others

A. Xiaowang, I don't have time today. You must help me deliver this file to the branch office before the end of the afternoon.
B. Xiaowang, I didn't want to bother you, but I have a file to deliver to the branch office, and I don't have time, so... Of course, if you're busy, then forget it.
C. Xiaowang, I need to deliver a file to the branch office before the end of the afternoon, and I happen to be busy. If you can help me, I would be very grateful. This is a very important and urgent document.
D. Xiaowang, I believe you are not the kind of ungrateful person. I have helped you often, this time you need to help me by delivering this file to the branch office.

Four steps to making a request:

  1. Preparation before making the request
  2. Opening (simple and clear words with a sincere attitude)
  3. Reasons for help, confirming the request's outcome
  4. Ending the request, expressing gratitude
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